Blog (EN)

What is the EIN?

If you have an organization or business in the United States, it is essential to obtain your Employer Identification Number. If you don’t know what an EIN is and want to familiarize yourself, we’ll explain everything you need to know about it.

The EIN is a 9-digit number assigned by the IRS for the purpose of identifying employers and business entities for tax purposes. In addition, it is essential to comply with the legal and fiscal obligations of a company. If you are a business, organization, or corporation, you will need the EIN to hire employees, file tax returns, apply for licenses and permits, open business bank accounts, and even to establish business relationships with other entities.

Who needs an EIN?

Almost all organizations, businesses, and commercial entities need an EIN. If you are in any of the following situations, you will need to get an EIN:

  • You have employees, including part-time employees
  • You operate a business as a corporation or partnership
  • You file tax returns related to payroll, use and consumption, alcohol, tobacco or firearms
  • You withhold taxes on income, except for salaries paid to foreigners or non-residents
  • You participate in organizations such as trusts (some exceptions apply), estates, non-profit organizations, plan administrators, agricultural cooperatives, or entities that pool investments in real estate mortgages.
How to get the EIN?

The process to obtain an EIN is not complicated at all. You can apply online (if you have a social security number), by mail, or even by fax. The online application can be done through the IRS website and will only take a few minutes. All you have to do is fill out a form and you will receive the EIN immediately.

If you prefer to apply by mail or fax, you will need to fill out Form SS-4 and mail or fax it to the IRS. Keep in mind that with these processes it will take longer to receive the EIN, on average between 4 to 24 weeks. If it is not followed up, it is very possible to wait months for it since sometimes the document is lost at the IRS and they do not process it, without notifying you.

When you create your company with us, the plans include obtaining the EIN in the normal time it takes. You can expedite this to 2 weeks by adding the EIN Super Express service at the time of making your purchase, which has an additional value of $150 USD.

If you did not create your company with us, our Super Express EIN service is worth $200 USD. If you don’t get it in 2 weeks, we’ll refund your money and do it for free.

If you want to contract our ITIN service, click here.

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